Instructor of Oboe
Jane Gabka is professor of oboe at Loyola University and a member of the Louisiana Philharmonic and a member of the Musaica Chamber Ensemble. She received her Bachelor's degree from the Eastman School of Music, her Master's degree from Baylor University and has supplemented her education by attending numerous music festivals such as Aspen Music Festival, Sarasota Chamber Music Festival, Colorado College Music Festival and the John Mack Oboe Camp. She has performed with the Santa Fe Opera, Waco Symphony and The Baton Rouge Symphony. And avid animal lover, Jane splits her time acquiescing to the demands of her tyrannical cat, Cliff, spoiling her fat dog, Lulu, managing her spider rescue center (sorry, no roaches), and volunteering with the Audubon society. She sums up her musical philosophy this way, “Hey, it’s a paycheck!” When asked what her favorite note was, she responded thusly, “The last one.”