Professor Emeritus of Theatre Arts and Dance
Georgia Gresham is a Professor Emeritus of Theatre Arts. Before her retirement, she taught various courses including Scene Design and Theatre Management. She joined the Loyola faculty in 1990. Previously, she has been on faculty at California State University-Los Angeles and Rutgers University-Camden. She started in professional summer stock at sixteen, then went on to get her B.F.A. in theatre from the University of Evansville, and her M.F.A. in theatrical design from Florida State University. Ms. Gresham studied at the well-known Studio of Stage Design and Forum in New York City. Having designed 150 productions encompassing most genres of theatre, her work includes designs of scenery, costumes, and lighting. Some favorite design projects include: lighting design for the National Institute of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan, where she was a Fulbright Professor; costume design of the world premiere in Los Angeles of Historia de un Pequeno Principe Y Su Flor, written and directed by Luis De Tavira, noted director of Institute Nacianal De Bellas Artes in Mexico City; and costume design for Lucky Stiff, a full length feature film directed by Anthony Perkins.
Ms. Gresham's department responsibilities included recruitment, grants, and facilities development on behalf of the Department of Theatre Arts and Dance. She served on the Institutional Advancement Committee of the Board of Trustees, the University Senate, the College of Music and Media Dean's Advisory Committee, the College of Music and Media Rank and Tenure Committee, the College of Music and Media Facilities Committee, the College of Music and Media Web Committee, and the University's Women's Studies Committee. She is also a member of several professional organizations, including the Louisiana Fulbright Association Chapter, the United States Institute of Theatre Technology, the Theatre Advisory Committee for the Big Easy Entertainment Awards.
In her personal time, Ms. Gresham enjoys traveling.

Loyola University New Orleans
Dept. of Theatre Arts & Dance
6363 St. Charles Ave.
Campus Box 155
New Orleans, LA 70118